TV Seller Office Membership Q&A

The following questions are related to Samsung Apps TV Seller Office membership and group management.

To create a partner group, you must sign an agreement with your local Samsung Content Manager, and submit a partnership request through the Seller Office.

Once approved, partner groups can use partner-level APIs in their applications and publish applications in countries other than the USA, as defined in the signed agreement.

For more information, see the Becoming Partners guide.

#alliance #group #partnership

To transfer ownership of an application to another Seller Office member, create a "1:1 Q&A" ticket and provide the following information:

  • Current owner's Seller Office ID
  • New owner's Seller Office ID
  • Application ID

The request is handled after the Seller Office administrator reviews it.

#move #owner #ownership #possession #transfer

Yes. To manage an application using multiple Seller Office accounts, create a group and invite the other Seller Office accounts to join it. A Seller Office account can belong to only 1 group at a time.

For more information, see the Managing Seller Groups guide.

#app management #application management #group #seller office account

To join a group, you must not be in one already. If you receive an invitation email from the group manager, click the invitation link to join the group. In the Seller Office, you can also send a membership request to a group manager by clicking "Go to Join Group".

To leave a group, click the "Withdraw" on the "Membership > Group Members" menu.

For more information, see the Managing Seller Groups guide.

#group change #group member #join #leave #withdraw

In addition to managing applications, the group manager can invite members to a group, confirm or reject requests to join a group, removing members from a group, transfer the group administrator role, and manage group information.

For more information, see the Managing Seller Groups guide.

#bank account #group #invitation #manager #request

Yes. You can send them an invitation to join your group, but before they can accept the invitation, they must leave their current group.

#group change #group membership #invitation #invite

Yes. When you move to another group, your previous group is automatically deleted. All applications owned by you are also moved together.

To delete the group without moving to another group, the group manager must create a "1:1 Q&A" ticket, providing the reason for deleting the group after all applications belonging to the group must be terminated. After then, the Seller Office administrator handles the request.

#delete #group management #manager

Your email address serves as your Seller Office ID and cannot be changed. However, you can create a new Seller Office ID with a new email address and transfer application ownership to the new Seller Office ID.

To transfer ownership of an application to the new Seller Office ID, create a "1:1 Q&A" ticket and provide the following information:

  • Current Seller Office ID
  • New Seller Office ID
  • Application ID

The request is handled after the Seller Office administrator reviews it.

#change #email #modify #seller office account #seller office id

The Seller Office account uses your Samsung Account login information. To change or reset your password, go to your Samsung Account.

#password change #password reset #samsung account #seller office account

You can modify the seller information that will be used in the future in the "Membership > Group Information" menu, and you can modify the seller information of the existing application in the "Service Info" menu of the application.

#seller information

Contact your Content Manager and explain your situation. You may be asked to provide proof that you belong to the same organization and have permission to claim application ownership.

#owner #ownership #possession #transfer