Failure Response Codes

The following are response codes you may see when a Content Publish API request fails.


Code and message

Bad Request

  • error code: error reason in detail (invalid request or content error)
  • 1000: bad request (Invalid Parameters)
  • 3001: ScreenshotUrl count is not valid (you must include at least four screenshots)
  • 3050: Invalid price for a paid app (If this is a paid app, the price cannot be set to zero)
  • 3100: Not found for contentId
  • 3103: If a staged rollout has begun, the rollout rate cannot be reduced
  • 3104: The rollout rate cannot be set to a value smaller than the previous setting value
  • 3105: Check the errorMessage to see if the rollout rate value for each country is valid
  • 3201: The application status is not REGISTERING
  • 3202: The content is not a closed beta application
  • 3203: The rollout rate cannot be set to a value smaller than the previous setting value
  • 3204: Check the errorMessage to see if the rollout rate value for each country is valid
  • 3205: Pre-registered apps are not eligible for staged rollout
  • 3206: The staged rollout API is not available in the current application status
  • 3207: Before setting the rate, first add the binaries to apply the staged rollout using the stagedRolloutBinary API
  • 3208: There are currently no binaries set to roll out for this content/li>
  • 4106: Failed to distribute content (request error)
  • 4125: Image Upload Key cannot be null (if you are replacing the screenshot, you must include the screenshotKey)

  • 4008: This content is not yours (no ownership rights of content)
  • 4105: Content is not ready for distribution (unable to submit/change or no ownership rights of contents)
  • 4129: Content is not ready for distribution (unable to submit/change beta application)
  • 7001: Required parameter is missing. (file) (request error)
  • 7002: SessionId does not exist. To upload the file, please get the sessionId. (session ID does not exist)

  • 9000: Internal server error


The following data may be returned, depending on the API used.








Country code of the country where updating the staged rollout failed.




Rollout rate set by the API for the country.




Error that occurred during the update.


   "resultCode": "1000",
   "resultMessage": "[feedbackChannel] : {#, ;, *, {, }, <, >, ./, ../} is not permitted character(s)"
   "resultCode": "1000",
   "resultMessage": "contentId is invalid"
   "resultCode": "3103",
   "resultMessage": "If a staged rollout has begun, the rollout rate cannot be reduced."
   "resultCode": "3105",
   "resultMessage": "Check the errorMessage to see if the rollout rate value for each country is valid",
   "data": {
      "failedCountries": [{
         "countryCode": "USA",
         "rolloutRate": 35,
         "errorMessage": "50% or higher can be entered."
      }, {
         "countryCode": "IND",
         "rolloutRate": 100,
         "errorMessage": "The rollout of this country/region cannot be disabled. If the rollout rate by country is set higher than the default rollout rate, the rollout cannot be disabled."
   "resultCode": "3202",
   "resultMessage": "the content is not a beta application"