Galaxy Store Review Ratings and Statistics

Galaxy Store ratings and reviews can help you monitor customer feedback about your app and let's you respond directly to any review written by a customer. Users must install your app before they can rate and review your app.

Galaxy Store

In Galaxy Store, an average star rating is displayed for each app. Additionally, in an app's description, there is a Ratings and reviews section which shows the average star rating, individual customer ratings and reviews, and your replies to a customer review. Potential customers may use this information to determine if they want to download your app.

This example shows the Galaxy Store ratings and reviews for the same app in two different countries.

Seller Portal

In Seller Portal, you can view all individual ratings and reviews for all of your apps, reply to a review comment, and download a CSV file with the information that is displayed (go to Assistance > Buyer Comments). You can also filter the ratings and reviews that you want to view.

This example shows the Galaxy Store ratings and reviews for all of your apps in Seller Portal.

For more information about categorizing and responding to user reviews, see User Review Management in the Seller Portal guides.

Galaxy Store Statistics

In the Galaxy Store Statistics System (accessible from Seller Portal), you can view the submitted ratings and average rating of your app over a specified period of time. For example, you can view the submitted daily ratings starting from when the application was launched. Or, you can view the average rating by year for the last two years which allows you to determine if the average rating of your app has gone up or down.

To view an app's average review rating by country and specify a time period in Galaxy Store Statistics (and optionally specify the time units), do the following:

  1. Log in to Seller Portal.

  2. Click Statistics in the top menu bar.

  3. In the Applications screen of the Galaxy Store Statistics System, in the bottom window (which lists your apps), select the app for which you want to view ratings.
    In this example, the sample app selected is the Simple Digital Watch application.

  4. At the top right of the Dashboard, you can select the time units used to aggregate the ratings (the default is daily).
    In this example, "Monthly" is selected.

  5. At the top right of the Dashboard, if you want to view the ratings for a specific time period (the default is for the last month), click on the date range in the upper right corner, select a date range, and click OK.
    In this example, "Last 6 months" is selected.

  6. At the top of the Dashboard, click in the Country field, select the country for which you want to see the ratings, and click OK.
    In this example, "USA" is selected.

  7. Scroll down to the Ratings section to view the average review rating and graphs that show when and the number of times the app was rated (for the specified period of time).
    In this example, the Ratings graphs show the average rating of 4.75 from two customer ratings in the U.S. over the last six months. One customer rated the app with 4.5 stars in September 2020, and the other customer rated the app with 5 stars in November 2020.

    To view ratings for another country, click the Country field, select the country, de-select "USA," and click OK.