Samsung IAP ISN Requirements

In order to use the the Samsung In-App Purchase (IAP) Instant Server Notification (ISN), you must do the following:

  1. Configure a server to receive the notifications.
  2. Create an IAP key in Seller Portal to verify and aunthenticate the notifications.
  3. Configure your IAP items in Seller Portal.

Configure a server

You must set up your own server to which Samsung's ISN system sends real-time notifications for user activities such as in-app item purchases, refunds, and subscriptions. The notifications are in JSON Web Token format (JWT) and sent using HTTP POST.

Create a URL on your server to receive and process these notifications. For example, or For security reasons, only ports 80 or 443 can be used.

You can test the ISN service to your server when you register your IAP items in Seller Portal. See Test the ISN service for more information.

Create an IAP key in Seller Portal

The IAP public key is used to verify and authenticate that the notifications you receive are from the Samsung ISN system and that the notification has not been modified.

To create your IAP public key:

  1. Log in to Seller Portal.
  2. Click Assistance > API Service.

  3. Click Create an IAP Key.

  4. Click Yes.

  5. Click [Confirm] to display your public key.

  6. Copy the public that has been created and use it to verify the notifications you receive.

See Notification Verification Examples for examples of how to use the public key to verify the notifications you receive.

Configure your IAP items in Seller Portal

You must configure the URL of your server for each IAP item for which you want to receive notifications. See Configure In-App Items for ISN for information on how to set up ISN for each of your IAP items.