Added invalid font popup when adding invalid font.
Added validation of component name, app ID and project name.
Updated maximum length of component name to 50 characters.
Updated maximum length of author certificate password to 128 characters.
Removed PSD file support when import image.
Disabled ungroup option inside group.
Disabled BMP and GIF image import as animation frame.
Disabled characters <, >, &, ", \ for bitmap font.
Fixed an issue where application doesn't open in MacOS Bug Sur.
Fixed an issue where text editing in AOD mode behave incorrectly.
Fixed an issue where name of the animation displays randomly.
Fixed an issue where toolbar align options are enabled for locked components.
Fixed an issue where properties UI jump when changing anything from text editing mode.
Fixed an issue where custom font is not showing for multiple text selection.
Fixed an issue where tag expression was enabled for Opacity and Rotate.
Fixed an issue where bitmap font alignment is top in editor.
Fixed an issue where bitmap font characters overlapped in native viewer.
Fixed an issue where tool tip is still displayed although tooltip turned off in preference.
Fixed an issue where properties doesn't show when component is unlcoked.
Fixed an issue where rename a locked component was allowed.
Fixed an issue where large animation image name gets cut off.
Fixed an issue where user can click on any button when add device pop up still display.
Fixed an issue where complication save with action image doesn't work.
Fixed an issue where adding complication with bitmap font in newly unsaved project causes crash.
Fixed an issue where invalid image can be added in editor.
Fixed an issue where complication import in AOD mode is not working as expected.
Fixed an issue where outline of frame is showing in wrong position when editor is in animation editing mode.
Fixed an issue where search function in timeline doesn't work for long component name.
Fixed an issue where adding JPEG images cause unexpected behavior.
Fixed an issue where component doesn't disappear from editor after undo the add component operation.
Fixed an issue where components with same name exist when import same complication twice.
Fixed an issue where undo of group operation doesn't work.
Fixed an issue where component naming was possible with special character.
Fixed an issue where search result in timeline does not update after renaming the component.
Fixed an issue where palette was active in animation editing mode.
Fixed an issue where native viewer watchface blinks while transitioning AOD mode.
Fixed an issue where "Save as to Original Folder" and "Show tool tips" in preference don't work.
Fixed an issue where same character with uppercase and lowercase doesn't work in bitmap font character list.
Fixed an issue where project save does not work when disable set as button.
Fixed an issue where removed image still shows on preview for image change action.
Fixed an issue where ICU format text box is empty.
Fixed an issue where divide by zero in tag expression is a valid expression.
Fixed an issue where tooltip still have shown even though bitmap is deleted.
Fixed an issue where backgroud component opened as image component when project loaded.
Fixed an issue where saved project's backgroud open as image.
Fixed an issue where action is not applied after save as complication.
Fixed an issue where hide icon is missing after making a group with all hidden components.
Fixed an issue where search text does not disappear after sort by region in language.
Fixed an issue where 9 languages were not included to any region.
Fixed other issues and UI improvement done.