
Widgets provide easy access to frequently used tasks or content and are useful when users are engaged in other activities or unable to provide precise control of their watch. Users can access any app’s key features without launching the app.

Make sure you understand how different types of widgets work and the widget designs that are best suited for your app. You can also design widgets in web or native languages. See Creating your first Tizen wearable native widget application for more details on native apps and Creating your first Tizen wearable web widget application for web apps.


  • Design widgets to fit on one page
    Widgets occupy the whole screen. Design a widget to occupy a single page without scrolling.
  • Widgets only take a single tap
    Tapping is the only gesture widgets use to perform a task or open an app.
  • One app can have multiple widgets for different purposes
  • Widgets refresh automatically
  • Permissions
    User permission may be required to display widget information. Users can modify permission settings in Settings > Apps > Permissions. If a user does not agree to grant permission, you must provide an additional notification screen that states permission is required in order to view widget information. The screen needs to provide the app name, the widget name (if the app has two or more types of widgets), and a link to the Permission pop-up.

User can tap to move to Permission pop-up

Types of widgets

Three widget types are available for the watch:

  • Informative widgets that deliver information from the parent app
  • Interactive widgets that deliver information and receive user input
  • Shortcut widgets that provide a link without exchanging any data with the app

Choose the right widget type for the content you want to offer.

Three types of widgets are available to use: informative, interactive, and shortcut.

  • Informative widgets

    Informative widgets provide information in a scannable way. Design your widgets to display key information on a single screen without scrolling and provide users with a direct route to more detailed information within the related app. Providing an appropriate image can enhance readability.

    Weather widgets can show the weather for a chosen city and provide a direct route to more detailed info within the app.

  • Interactive widgets

    Interactive widgets perform simple tasks that can be completed with one tap. Ensure that your components are designed intuitively so that users notice they are tappable. Widgets should immediately reflect any user input in real time and make it clear that user input has been recognized.

    Samsung Health widgets let users input the number of cups of water consumed and see the changes immediately.

  • Shortcut widgets

    Shortcut widgets provide quick access to frequently used menus or tasks. Shortcuts should use appropriate icons and text to communicate where they lead. When providing multiple shortcuts on one screen, ensure each one is visible and has a sufficient touchable area.

    Widgets for a contact app can provide shortcuts to call or send a message to favorite contacts.

Types of actions

A single tap, the only gesture allowed for widgets, is used for two types of actions: links and direct actions. Links connect users to an app's menu and direct actions perform a task on the widget.

  • Link

    Links can connect users directly to the first screen or a particular menu of an app. The link can make up the whole screen or be shown as a button.

  • Direct action

    Direct actions perform simple tasks without opening the app. You can use direct actions for tasks such as measuring data or toggling an alarm.

    Tapping on the alarm button toggles the alarm on/off without opening the app.

Common use cases

Here are some common use cases that will help you design your widgets.

  • Filling empty widgets

    Some widgets need to be filled with content by users. When creating widgets like these, include an “Add” button instead of leaving the screen empty.

    An add button helps users initiate the add flow.

  • Multiview widgets

    Each widget should present just one piece of information on each screen, but you can break the information up across several views that users can browse through. In these cases, dim and turn off the browsing button when there are no more views in a particular direction.

    User can browse many views of a widget with the buttons.

  • Check your phone

    Widgets can redirect users to another device, such as a phone. If your widgets support this feature, use a phrase like "Check your phone" to indicate this action.

Design your widgets

Keep the visual principles for color, layout, and typography in mind when you’re designing your widgets.

  • Make your widgets readable with a dark background

    A dark background works best for widgets. It increases screen readability when outdoors and smoothly integrates the widget with the black bezel. We recommend using a transparent background, but if you are using a colorful image, add a tinted black layer on top (at least 60% opacity) to ensure the text is legible.

    Dark-colored backgrounds enhance screen readability.

  • Maintain visual identity with an identity color

    Applying the primary color of your app to the main text can communicate a strong visual identity. Consider readability when you choose your app identity color.

    Widgets for the Alarm app use purple as an identity color.

  • Use Breeze Sans.

    Use the system font Breeze Sans to optimize readability on the watch and make your app consistent with others. Breeze Sans comes in condensed, regular, and medium fonts. Determine the weight of the font according to the relative level of importance of the text. See Visual design for more details on Breeze Sans.