Get Started with the Samsung Ads SDK

Use the Samsung Ads SDK to maximize revenue with in-app ads.

You must complete the following tasks before you can being using the Samsung Ads SDK.

  1. Verify that your application meets the minimum requirements.
  2. Request your placement ID(s), client key, and access key.
  3. Request the Samsung Ads SDK.


Your application must meet the following requirements:

  • A minimum SDK version of 23 or higher
  • Java version 8
  • AndroidX

Request your placement IDs, client key, and access key

Before starting your integration with the Samsung Ads SDK, request the following from the Samsung Ads team:

  • A placement ID, used to request an ad (you need a placement ID for each ad format you are using or plan to use in your app)
  • A client key
  • An access key

Ad formats

There are two types of ad formats that you can use in your app:

  • Interstitial Video Ad
    An interstitial video ad is a skippable video ad that covers the full screen until the user closes the ad.

    A "Skip Ad" button is activated after 5 seconds and then the user can skip the video ad.

  • Rewarded Video Ad
    A rewarded video ad is a non-skippable video ad that covers the full screen until the user closes the ad.

    The user cannot skip the video ad. If the user tries to close the ad before playback is completed, a pop-up is shown informing the user that they are not eligible for a reward.

    The game developer decides if a reward is provided depending on the status of the ad.

Request the Samsung Ads SDK

Request a copy of the Samsung Ads SDK from your Samsung representative and copy the library to the lib folder of your project.

Version History




2023.06.29 1.1
  • Change Gson library version
  • Remove UserAge API
  • Change sample code for AdListener
  • Remove demo application usage
2022.10.28 1.0 Initial Release