The Adding Samsung Wallet Card Templates section defines interfaces for providers to conveniently create wallet cards in Samsung Wallet. The generated wallet card templates can be updated by following the instructions on the Updating Wallet Card Templates section.
Authorized partners can add wallet cards to users directly from the partner server by following the instructions on the Adding Wallet Cards section below.
This section describes how to create a wallet card in Samsung Wallet.
Authorization String(1024)
(Required) Credential token. The token can have prefix "Bearer" as an authorization type. i.e., Bearer <credentials> * See JSON Web Token.
x-smcs-partner-id String(32)
(Required) Partner ID.
x-request-id String(32)
(Required) Request identifier. Random generated UUID string.
Body Parameters
ctemplate Object
(Required) Actual payload data in basic JSON format to establish the communication between partners and Samsung Wallet. This must be in the secure JWT (JSON Web Token) format. * See the chapter Security for more details.
Payload object
cardTemplate Object
(Required) Wallet card template object
cardTemplate.prtnrId String(32)
(Required) Partner ID
cardTemplate.templateRefId String(19)
(Required) Partner Template ID Unique value for each template created by a partner. This value is set to a number of 19 digits or less.
cardTemplate.title String(32)
(Required) Wallet Card Name
cardTemplate.countryCode String(2)
(Required) The Main (Headquarters) Location code. Refer to ISO-3166-1 alpha-2) for the country code.
cardTemplate.cardType String(100)
(Required) Template Card Type For details, refer to Wallet Cards.
cardTemplate.subType String(100)
(Required) Template Card Sub Type For details, refer to Wallet Cards.
cardTemplate.designType String(100)
(Optional) The value that defines the design type of the wallet card. For details, refer to Wallet Cards.
cardTemplate.appLogoImg String(200)
(Optional) The banner logo image URL. The maximum size of the image is 1024*1024. e.g.:
cardTemplate.saveInServerYn String(1)
(Optional) Sets whether to save the card data. This value can only be set for the ‘ID Card’ type.
cardTemplate.prtnrAppPckgName String(128)
(Optional) The Application Package Name.
cardTemplate.noNetworkSupportYn String(1)
(Optional) Sets whether to support opening the wallet card under 'No Network' Status. This feature cannot be modified after the Wallet card is approved. This must be set to either 'Y' or 'N'. * Default: 'N'.
cardTemplate.shareButton ExposureYN String(1)
(Optional) Sets whether to support the sharing function. This feature cannot be modified after the Wallet card is approved. This must be set to either 'Y' or 'N'. * Default: 'Y'.
cardTemplate.privacyModeYn String(1)
(Optional) If this value is set, the user authentication is required when using the card to protect the user's sensitive information. This must be set to either 'Y' or 'N'. * Default: 'N'.
cardTemplate.preventCaptureYn String(1)
(Optional) This value is a screen capture prevention flag that defines whether the content view prevents screen capture.
cardTemplate.category String(20)
(Optional) This item can only be set if the card type is “generic”.Set the Category to get more detailed statistical information. For instance, parking pass, membership, reservations, insurance, health, receipt, coupon stamp, note, photo, and others.
cardTemplate.prtnrCardData String(1000)
(Optional) [Get card data] Partner URL. Check the URL format below and implement the API according to the URL. Refer to Partner Server API specification. For instance, you can use: https://yourdomain
cardTemplate.prtnrCardState String(1000)
(Optional) [Get card state] Partner URL.Check the URL format below and implement API according to URL. Refer to Partner Server API specification. For instance, you can use: https://yourdomain
cardTemplate.prtnrMemPoint String(1000)
(Optional) [Get membership point] Partner URL.
cardTemplate.cardMetaCP String(1000)
(Optional) [Get card Meta CP] Partner URL.
cardTemplate.getFulfillmentList String(1000)
(Optional) [Get Fulfillment list] Partner URL.
cardTemplate.prtnrBalance String(1000)
(Optional) [Get card Balance] Partner URL.
cardTemplate.state String(15)
(Optional) When creating a card, you can transition the card's state from “Draft” to “Verifying”. You can only choose “DRAFT” or “VERIFYING”. * Default: 'DRAFT'.
200 OK
"cardId": "3hdpejr6qi380",
"resultCode": "0",
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
HTTP Status Code
200 OK
400 Bad Request
Requests cannot or will not be processed the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error
401 Unauthorized
Authorization token is invalid or expired.
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable
Updating Wallet Card Templates
Wallet Card Tmplates updated through API can also be checked and managed in the same way on the ‘Wallet Partners Portal'. Partners can manage all wallet cards they have created.
/partner/v1/card/template/{Card Id}
Authorization String(1024)
(Required) Credential token. The token can have prefix "Bearer" as an authorization type. i.e., Bearer <credentials> * See JSON Web Token.
x-smcs-partner-id String(32)
(Required) Partner ID.
x-request-id String(32)
(Required) Request identifier. Random generated UUID string.
Path Parameters
Card Id String(32)
(Required) The wallet card identifier granted through the Partner Portal. * The identifier is needed when updating a specific card template.
Body Parameters
ctemplate Object
(Required) Actual payload data in basic JSON format to establish the communication between partners and Samsung Wallet. This must be in the secure JWT (JSON Web Token) format. * See the chapter Security for more details.
Payload object
cardTemplate Object
(Required) Wallet card template object
cardTemplate.prtnrId String(32)
(Required) Partner ID
cardTemplate.cardId String(32)
(Required) The cardId response received when creating a card.
cardTemplate.templateRefId String(19)
(Required) Partner Template ID. The unique value for each template created by a partner. This value is set to a number with 19 digits or less
cardTemplate.title String(32)
(Optional) Wallet Card Name
cardTemplate.countryCode String(2)
(Optional) The Main (Headquarters) Location code. Refer to ISO-3166-1 alpha-2) for the country code.
cardTemplate.prtnrAppPckgName String(128)
(Optional) The Application Package Name.
cardTemplate.appLogoImg String(200)
(Optional) The banner logo image URL. The maximum size of that image is 1024*1024.
cardTemplate.saveInServerYn String(1)
(Optional) Sets whether to save the card data. This value can only be set for the ‘ID Card’ type.
cardTemplate.noNetworkSupportYn String(1)
(Optional) Sets whether to support opening the wallet card under 'No Network' Status. This feature cannot be modified after the Wallet card is approved. This must be set to either 'Y' or 'N'. * Default: 'N'.
cardTemplate.shareButtonExposureYN String(1)
(Optional) Sets whether to support the sharing function. This feature cannot be modified after the wallet card is approved. This must be set to either 'Y' or 'N'. * Default: 'Y'.
cardTemplate.privacyModeYn String(1)
(Optional) If this value is set, user authentication is required when using the card to protect the user's sensitive information. This must be set to either 'Y' or 'N'. * Default: 'N'.
cardTemplate.preventCaptureYn String(1)
(Optional) This value is a screen capture prevention flag that defines whether the content view prevents screen capture.
cardTemplate.category String(20)
(Optional) This item can only be set if the card type is “generic”. Set the Category to get more detailed statistical information. For instance: parking pass, membership, reservations, insurance, health, receipt, coupon stamp, note, photo, and others.
cardTemplate.prtnrCardData String(1000)
(Optional) [Get card data] Partner URL. Check the URL format below and implement the API according to the URL. Refer to Partner Server API specification. For instance, you can use: https://yourdomainn
cardTemplate.prtnrCardState String(1000)
(Optional) Partner URL. Check the URL format below and implement the API according to the URL. Refer to Partner Server API specification. For instance, you can use: https://yourdomain
cardTemplate.prtnrMemPoint String(1000)
(Optional) [Get membership point] Partner URL.
cardTemplate.cardMetaCP String(1000)
(Optional) [Get card Meta CP] Partner URL.
cardTemplate.getFulfillmentList String(1000)
(Optional) [Get Fulfillment list] Partner URL.
cardTemplate.prtnrBalance String(1000)
(Optional) [Get card Balance] Partner URL.
cardTemplate.state String(15)
(Optional) If the card status is “DRAFT”, you can only select “VERIFYING”.
cardTemplate.testingModeOff String(1)
(Optional) This value can be set only when the card status is Active. Normal service is possible only when the testing mode is changed to off. * Default: ‘N’.
200 OK
"cardId": "3hdpejr6qi380",
"resultCode": "0",
"resultMessage": "SUCCESS"
HTTP Status Code
200 OK
400 Bad Request
Requests cannot or will not be processed the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error
401 Unauthorized
Authorization token is invalid or expired.
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable
Adding Wallet Cards
A typical addition to the wallet card is triggered by user interaction, such as pressing the Add To Wallet button or link. The API also supports adding a wallet card automatically to the user for a special purpose with user’s consent.
This API allows partners to provide wallet cards to users. The request payload must contain information about the target to which the card is added. This information may be related to the user’s account, or it may contain information about a card that is already registered. A push notification is sent to the user’s device to confirm successful card registration. The success of card registration must be determined that the card is registered normally when it is updated to ADDED of Send Card State.
An administrator must grant permission for partners to use this API.
Card Data Specification
Card ID
{Card Id} is an ID issued when the partner manager signs up for partner services and register the wallet card they want to service. Refer to Partner Onboarding guide document for details.
Actual payload data in basic JSON format to establish the communication between partners and Samsung Wallet. See the details in the table below.
Card Data Token
The specific wallet card data mentioned as cdata must be secured in JWT(JSON Web Token) format. See a chapter Security for details.
/atw/v1/cards/{Card Id}
Authorization String(1024)
(Required) Credential token. The token can have prefix "Bearer" as an authorization type. i.e., Bearer <credentials> * See JSON Web Token.
x-smcs-partner-id String(32)
(Required) Partner ID.
x-request-id String(32)
(Required) Request identifier. Random generated UUID string.
Path Parameters
Card Id String(32)
(Required) Wallet card identifier granted through the Partner Portal.
Body Parameters
cdata Object
(Required) Actual payload data in basic JSON format to establish the communication between partners and Samsung Wallet. This must be in the secure JWT (JSON Web Token) format. * See the chapter Security for more details.
Requests cannot or will not be processed the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error
401 Unauthorized
Authorization token is invalid or expired.
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable
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