Mandatory Features for Quality

The following table lists the essential application features that are checked before the application can be published on Samsung Apps TV.

Table 1. Mandatory features
Cateory Feature Related Info Support


General The application must function without errors, crashing, freezing, or unintended functionality. Yes Yes Yes
The "Return" key policy must be followed. Yes
(LFD only)

Account Uninstalling the application must delete all application data from the TV, including user data, such as account information. - Yes Yes No
Connection When the network is disconnected, a notification popup must be shown to the user to inform them of the network status. Yes Yes Yes
Media playback Playback-related features must be functional. Yes Yes Yes
The screensaver must not appear during video playback.
If available, subtitles must be synchronized with the media.
Multitasking The application must implement multitasking. Yes No Yes
(IWB only)

Performance The application must take at most 10 seconds to launch, from clicking the application icon to displaying its first page. A 5-second launch time is ideal. Yes Yes Yes
Privileges Privileges required for security-sensitive APIs must be declared in the "config.xml" file. Yes Yes Yes