Samsung Application Management

1. Introduction

Samsung's application management is a solution that helps prevent battery consumption due to unintended background operations of applications. This feature limits background activities according to the application usage patterns such as periods of non-activity and background battery consumption, and applies either the sleeping or deep sleeping modes through data analysis based on these patterns.

2. Purpose

This guide introduces sleeping and deep sleeping application features, and how to set exceptions to exempt an application from application control.

3. Details

1) Sleeping Applications

Background applications that have not been used for about 3 days and causing poor system health (ex. battery consumption) will go into the sleeping mode.
A bucket restriction applies to any sleeping applications, and features such as Job, Alarm, and Foreground-service are restricted.
You can see the different buckets, and the restriction level for each bucket, at the Android reference site.
Restricted bucket
Application restrictions

The user may also turn on the sleeping mode for a specific application.

Menu path
Figure 1:Common entry
Figure 2:Select Sleeping apps

2) Deep Sleeping Applications

Applications that have not been used for a long period of time (currently set to 16 days, but subject to change according to Samsung policies) will go into the deep sleeping mode.
Deep sleeping applications only become active when the user opens them, and become inactive when they go into the background.
Inactive applications can't perform any activities, including notifications or updates.
The user may also turn on the deep sleeping mode for a specific application.

Menu path
Figure 3:Common entry
Figure 4:Select Deep sleeping apps

3) Setting Exceptions

Samsung's automatic application control management system places applications to the sleeping or deep sleeping modes according to their usage patterns. If there are applications that need to be set aside as exceptions, the user can do so at the following path:
Settings > Device care > Battery > Background usage limits

Menu path
Figure 5:Common entry
Figure 6:Select Never sleeping apps

4. API

Deeplink API for the Sleeping applications, Deep sleeping applications, and Never sleeping applications screens.

// Launch the detail activity of background usage limits

Intent intent = new Intent(); 
intent.putExtra("activity_type", 2); // 0 : sleeping apps / 1 : deep sleeping apps / 2 : never sleeping apps

5. Changes in One UI 6 (with Android 14)

To strengthen the Android platform, our collaboration with Google has resulted in a unified policy that we expect will create a more consistent and reliable user experience for Galaxy users. Since One UI 6.0, foreground services of apps targeting Android 14 will be guaranteed to work as intended so long as they are developed according to Android's new foreground service API policy.