Service on Cloud

Samsung Automation Studio is provided as a subscription service through the cloud. A beta program is currently in progress. If you have a Samsung account, you can use Cloud Runtime for up to 1 year according to the terms and conditions.

Samsung Automation consists of the following:


The editor distributed in K8S is developed as a web app. Flow based programming is possible through a web browser.

However, if you have not subscribed to the Samsung Automation service, you need to migrate Flow to your own Runtime to deploy and run Flow.

Sign up through your Samsung Account.

Flows you create are securely stored in the Cloud. And it runs through the Cloud runtime with one click for you to deploy. Also, you can improve your Flow by checking the execution data of the created Flow through the Debug Messages sent by the executed app.

Samsung Automation Studio Capsule

The Automation Studio capsule, distributed in the Bixby marketplace, allows you to call apps running in Automation Studio via Bixby Voice.

Please check the following page for more details.

Progressive Web App

You can use a PWA to send push notifications to your device in your flow. After installing the PWA and accepting notifications, you can use Notification Node to send push notifications to registered devices.

Please check the following page for more details.


Provides Restful API based on Microservice Architecture deployed in Cloud Native to support subscription users.

If you directly install and use Samsung Automation Studio's public node, you cannot directly link Backend. As a result, you are limited in some managed features. We recommend that you subscribe to Automation Studio's cloud service for full access to additional convenience features.


Built on Node-RED's runtime, Automation Studio's Runtime runs in an isolated container per user through Cloud Foundry. The small quata runtime we provide for free is managed so that you can experience Flows-based programming and deploy and run multiple automations without problems.