
The TV extension for Tizen Studio enables you to create applications for Samsung TVs.

TV Extension Image 8.0.1 Download

Windows 64bit
(944MB) August 29, 2024
Ubuntu 64bit
(963MB) August 29, 2024
macOS 64bit
(915MB) August 29, 2024

Release Note

New and Changed Features

TV Extension 8.0 Emulator

  • Update "8.0 Emulator TV Platform"
  • Support AMD CPU with whpx patch

Tizen Studio IDE

  • TV Extension IDE Supported for Tizen TV SDK 8.0.1
  • Add License TV 3 new ODM Vendors ("KONKA", "MACC", "EKKAA")

TV Simulator

  • UI cannot show properly in some scenario
  • Remote controller does not show properly in some scenario



  • Java error does not occur only when installed as "home" directory/folder (default folder) during Tizen Studio installation in Mac.
    (Next version will be modified)

TV Emulator

  • 4K video playback is not supported.
  • DRM (Digital Rights Management) is not supported.
  • Seeking from a second video does not work before the first video is completed.

Known Issues

  • The application "Lock/Unlock" feature is not functional in the TV emulator.

  • The following Samsung Product Web APIs are not supported by the emulator:

    • getTunerEpop() method of the ProductInfo API
    • getDolbyDigitalCompMode() method of the AvInfo API
    • Billing API
    • SSO API
  • The following TizenFX TV APIs are not supported by the emulator:

    • Tizen.TV.Accessory
    • Tizen.TV.Multimedia
    • Tizen.TV.Service.Billing
    • Tizen.TV.Service.Sso
  • There can be sound distortion when testing the text-to-speech (TTS) features with the emulator.

  • If you use a MacBook Pro which has both Intel HD and NVIDIA® GPUs,the emulator can be unexpectedly terminated when you execute the emulator with "OpenGL ES Ver" set to "v1.1 & v2.0". Check the emulator configuration in the Emulator Manager, and on the "General" tab in the "Emulator Configuration" window, set "OpenGL ES Ver" to "v2.0 & v3.0".

  • Sometimes web simulator gets stopped when running web apps with videos.
    (This issue occurs only in Windows )

  • Stopping profiling session from Visual Studio Tools for Tizen gets stuck with OpenTK Sample app.

  • Terminating OpenTK Sample app launched by the memory profiling feature in Visual Studio
    Tools for Tizen is not available.

  • Unit Test (IDE > Run > Run As > Tizen Web Unit Test Application) is not supported.

  • Search at Apps is not working in emulator.