NaCl ToolChain

The Native Client technology allows to run native C/C++ applications inside a web browser. Tizen Web applications can take full advantage of the increased performance of native code over JavaScript.


Pepper Toolchain
Pepper Toolchain
Pepper Toolchain
Pepper Toolchain
Pepper Toolchain
Pepper Toolchain

Pepper 63

  • New & Changed Features

    Low-latency mode in NaCl Player API.

    Low-latency mode in Video Decoder API.

  • Bug Fixes

  • Samsung specific fixes :

    Various bug fixes and performance improvements.

  • Known Issues

    • N/A

Pepper 56

  • New & Changed Features
    • Samsung specific changes :

      Tizen file system interface added.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Samsung specific fixes :

      Fixed memory leaks in NaCl PLayer.
    • Chromium specific fixes :

      Fixed dynamic library loadin with glibc.
  • Known Issues
    • N/A

Pepper 47

  • New & Changed Features

    • Samsung specific changes :

      NaCl player interfaces updated

      Support for H265 codec in NaCl Player added

      Loading shared libraries with nacl glibc toolchain enabled

      Update of program TV specific interfaces
    • Chromium specific changes :

      Upgraded LLVM to version 3.6 (since Pepper 43).

      The C11/C++11 acquire, release and acq_rel memory orders are now generated by default (since Pepper 43).
  • Bug Fixes

    • Samsung specific fixes :

      Fixed an error nacl_io does not propagate socket errors properly
    • Chromium specific fixes :

      Fixed a code generation bug on ARM when dealing with 16-bit load/store and bswap which led to a NaCl validation failure (since Pepper 43).
  • Known Issues

    • N/A

Pepper 42

  • New & Changed Features

    • Samsung specific changes :

      Support in nacl_io for multicasting using Samsung specific Pepper API

      Added NaCl Player interfaces

      Removed gesture recognition interface

      Update of program TV specific interfaces
    • Chromium specific changes :

      Added Compositor interfaces ( since Pepper 37 )

      Compilation speed improvements due to validation caching of the translator and linker ( since Pepper 38 )

      Performance improvement of SIMD vector shuffle ( since Pepper 38 )

      postMessageAndAwaitResponse is now stable and allows JavaScript to communicate synchronously with NaCl embeds ( since Pepper 39 )

      PNaCl is now based on LLVM 3.5 ( since Pepper 41 )

      The x86 NaCl validators accept instructions from the AVX1 extensions ( since Pepper 41 )

      The x86 NaCl validators accept instructions from the FMA3 extensions, as well as AVX2 instructions ( except VGATHER )

      The SDK now contains experimental versions of i686-nacl-clang, x86_64-nacl-clang, and arm-nacl-clang as well as the clang++ equivalents. These toolchains are based on the same LLVM version as PNaCl, but can be used to generate NaCl .nexe files instead of translating a .pexe locally or using the GCC toolchain
  • Bug Fixes

    • N/A
  • Known Issues

    • N/A
  • Technical Document

Pepper 37

  • New & Changed Features

    • Samsung specific changes:

      Added program TV specific interfaces

      Added udp multicast support ( Extension interface )

      Added removable storage interfaces

      Added gesture recognition interface

    • Chromium specific changes :

      The nacl_io library now includes a FUSE mount ( since Pepper 33 )

      Translation now uses dynamic load balancing, making translation time faster ( since Pepper 35 )

      Upgraded LLVM to version 3.4 ( since Pepper 35 )

  • Bug Fixes

    • N/A
  • Known Issues

    • N/A
  • Technical Document

Pepper 31

  • New & Changed Features

    • Chromium specific changes :

      Improved socket support in the nacl_io library
  • Bug Fixes

    • N/A
  • Known Issues

    • N/A
  • Technical Document