New Year, New Internet Goals 🎉

Samsung Developer

Hello World Wide Web community, happy new year!

As a new year is rising is that time when you sit down and make some new resolutions for the year ahead and it’s not that different for Samsung Internet.

We had an amazing 2019 with a lot of good news in terms of technology and a brand new team! We are committed to having even a better 2020 and in order to do that, we are sharing with the community some of our goals because we want you to be part of it!!

  • Progressive Web Apps: Last year we had exciting news related to PWAs; a chance to get PWA in our Galaxy Store! In order to bring more visibility about this technology and help developers creating PWAs we are gonna focus on deliver more demos and work with real and high impact web apps case scenarios from Samsung and our partners in different regions. Bring good examples about the best practices of PWAs and work with other browsers to have a better user experience and keep a good standard on the web is a must that we have to deliver to the developer community. We also want to track more statistics related to our store to see why progressive web apps are winning or failing, in order to do this, we are trying to improve the process of uploading a PWA to the store and track the current situation of PWAs that already exist in our browser. We are also planning to work with new partners and create major events and hackatons to spread the PWA word.

-New Technologies, new opensource tools: With the new release of One UI 2, we’ve launched One UI Web an opensource tool that is a framework inspired by this Samsung Interface to simplify the creation of mobile web apps. This year the goal is to bring it to a state where it will be more usable by adding more components and also by adding advanced functionality. We also have the new foldable devices with a completely new way to deliver the web and a whole new design pattern, usually, every new technology brings a lot of questions and practices to follow up, we are looking for your feedback and check ways to implement this new challenge into our open source tools including One UI Web.

  • WebXR & the Immersive Web: At Samsung we want to continue with our involvement in bringing AR & VR to the Web through Web standards, demos, talks and tooling. We have upcoming support of the WebXR Device API in our Web Browser, Samsung Internet, and through our involvement in practical use cases, we want to introduce several open source technologies to assist developers writing WebXR applications.

  • Community and Diversity: We are in a mission to make the web a better place to everybody and when we say EVERYBODY we have a commitment to work with inclusion and diversity, for example, making sure that every event we participate has a code of conduct. We are looking to meet new communities that are committed with diversity and make more welcoming spaces giving them support and also participating as we did in QueerJs last year. Delivering content to other non-english speaking regions is also in our list: we are hoping to increase our engagement with the Spanish and French community! (SI!/ OUI!)

  • Ethics in Web Technology: As we add new capabilities to the web platform, it’s become more important than ever that we do so in a way that does not compromise the web’s core values. As it says in the TAG finding that Daniel Appelquist co-authored last year, the web needs to be a platform that helps people and is beneficial to society as a whole. We need to make 2020 a year when the web technology platform lives up to these ideals — including the underlying technologies and standards that make it up, and also through its user experience. Through our engagement with the web standards community and through open source development, we intend to put pressure on new technology development to ensure they are developed according to these principles.

To make sure that we can build a proactive web community the rest is all about your feedback and questions! Do you have any PWA case scenario, an open-source project that you would like to share with Samsung Internet or are you part of a community that supports diversity and needs sponsorship? Please don’t hesitate to contact us using Twitter!

Looking forward to a great World Wide Web year 🥂